JanOdijk 2017-10-24 clarin.eu:cr1:p_1342181139640 CLARIN Flanders
LandingPage http://www.stylene.be/ Resource http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/cgi-bin/stylenedemo.html Stylene Stylene, a robust, modular system for stylometry and readability research 2012 http://www.stylene.be/none yethttp://portal.clarin.nl/node/4240 published 2012-09-11 CLARIN-DLUCLARIN in FlandersEWIIneke SchuurmanCoordinator
Leuven, Belgium
Ineke.Schuurman@ccl.kuleuven.beCCLKU Leuven
BelgiumBE Stylene is a robust, modular system for stylometry and readability research on the basis of existing techniques for automatic text analysis and machine learning, and the development of a web service that allows researchers in the humanities and social sciences to analyze texts with this system. In this way, the project will make available to researchers recent advances in research on the computational modeling of style and readability. Background Stylene consists of an educational demonstration interface and tools for stylometry (authorship attribution and profiling) and readability research for Dutch. The Stylene system consists of a popularization interface for learning to understand stylometric analysis, and web-­based interfaces to software for readability and stylometry research aimed at researchers from the humanities and social sciences who don’t want to develop or install such software themselves. Stylene has been created in the context of CLARIN Flanders.
text analysis tool written language tool analysis authorship attribution stylistic analysis profiling readability analysis Data analysis Linguistics readability studies discourse analysis stylistics yes Dutchnld yes 20 20 Online available graphical user interface web application text text UTF8 explanation text/html image graphical representation of vectors image/png unknown public 0 EUR Walter Daelemans walter.daelemans@uantwerpen.be Antwerp University Explanation of how Stylene works (provided after submitting a text for analysis) user http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/cgi-bin/stylenedemo.html nld in bookscientific backgroundyesDaelemans, W, De Clercq, O and Hoste, V. 2017. Stylene: an Environment for Stylometry and Readability Research for Dutch. In: Odijk, J and van Hessen, A. (eds.) CLARIN in the Low Countries, Pp. 195–209. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/bbi.16. License: CC-BY 4.0 http://dev.clarin.nl/sites/default/files/PastedGraphic-1.jpg Stylene Stylene EWI, Flanders http://portal.clarin.nl/node/4240 Walter Daelemans walter.daelemans@uantwerpen.be Antwerp University Walter Daelemans walter.daelemans@uantwerpen.be Antwerp University JavaScript unknown