janodijk 2018-08-01+02:00 clarin.eu:cr1:p_1342181139640 CLARIN Netherlands
Resource http://www.let.rug.nl/alfa/paqu/spod SPOD Syntactic Profiler of Dutch no explicit version mentioned 2018 http://www.let.rug.nl/alfa/paqu/spodnone yet development 2018-07-01 CLARIAH-CORECommon Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and the Humanities184.033.101NWOhttp://www.clariah.nlJan OdijkNational Coordinator
Utrecht, the Netherlands
j.odijk@uu.nlUiL-OTSUtrecht University
NetherlandsNL SPOD is syntactic profiler that covers a broad spectrum of properties. It is part of the PaQu application but has its own interface with a menu of predefined queries. It can be used to provide general information about corpus properties, such as the number of main and subordinate clauses, types of main and subordinate clauses, and their frequencies, average length of clauses (per clause type: e.g. relative clauses, indirect questions, finite complement clauses, infinitival clauses, finite adverbial clauses, etc.). It yields output in HTML and tab-separated text format.
text analysis tool syntactic analysis Browsing and SearchingData analysis Linguistics computational linguistics general linguistics syntax yes Dutchnld yes 20 21 Online available https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu graphical user interface web application UTF8 text text corpus text/plain text UTF8 analysis results HTML text/html text UTF8 analysis results CSV, tab-separated text/csv other public https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu/blob/master/LICENSE.txt 0 EUR Gertjan van Noord g.j.m.van.noord@rug.nl Groningen University Jack Hoeksema j.hoeksema@noord@rug.nl Groningen University PaQu Info user http://www.let.rug.nl/alfa/paqu/info.html nld PaQu/README.md technical https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu/blob/master/README.md nld http://dev.clarin.nl/sites/default/files/PaQu.jpg github unknown https://github.com/rug-compling/paqu SPOD Syntactic profiler of Dutch CLARIAH http//www.clariah.nl Jack Hoeksema j.hoeksema@rug.nl Peter Kleiweg p.c.j.kleiweg@rug.nl Linux Docker Go 1.4 or above