janodijk 2018-08-01+02:00 clarin.eu:cr1:p_1342181139640 CLARIN Netherlands
Resource https://webservices-lst.science.ru.nl/alpino Alpino (CLST web service and application) Alpino: a dependency parser for Dutch (CLST web service and application) unknown 2018 https://webservices-lst.science.ru.nl/alpinonone yet published 2018-06-08 0 CLARIAH-CORECommon Lab Research Infrastructure for the Arts and the Humanities184.033.101NWOhttp://www.clariah.nlJan OdijkNational Coordinator
Utrecht, the Netherlands
j.odijk@uu.nlUiL-OTSUtrecht University
NetherlandsNL This is a web service and web application to the Alpino dependency parser for Dutch, developed in the context of the PIONIER Project Algorithms for Linguistic Processing.
written language tool mono-lingual tool parsing dependency parsing lemmatisation morphological analysis named entity recognition part of speech tagging sentence splitting tokenisation Enriching Data Linguistics general linguistics syntax yes Dutchnld yes 20 21 Online available view-source:https://webservices-lst.science.ru.nl/alpino/info/ not specified not specified Linux not specified unknown CLAM https://github.com/proycon/clam localDesktop Alpino not specified localDesktop git clone --depth 1 git://urd.let.rug.nl/Alpino.git graphical user interface web application web interface web service utf8 text Plain text, tokenized, one sentence per line text/plain utf8 text Plain text, untokenized text/plain text utf8 Alpino DTD text/xml application/zip Morphosyntax/Inflection Morphosyntax/Lemma Morphosyntax/POS Morphosyntax/Word form Orthography/Token POSTags/DCOI Tagset Syntax/Chunks Syntax/Dependency Relations Syntax/Grammatical Relations Syntax/Multiword Expressions Syntax/Alpino Tagset GNU LGPL not specified public http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html 0 EUR Maarten van Gompel
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
proycon@anaproy.nl Center for Language and Speech Technology Radboud University Nijmegen https://www.ru.nl/clst/
Info Page of the RUN Web application and service for Alpino technical https://webservices-lst.science.ru.nl/alpino/info/ eng http://www.let.rug.nl/vannoord/alp/mattenklopper.gif http://www.let.rug.nl/vannoord/alp/zaag.gif http://www.let.rug.nl/vannoord/alp/Alpino/mat2.gif CLARIAH-CORE <funder>NWO</funder> <url/> <Contact> <Person/> <Email/> <Organisation xml:lang="eng"/> </Contact> <Duration/> </Project> <Creator> <Role> software developer </Role> <Contact> <Person> Maarten van Gompel </Person> <Address>Nijmegen, the Netherlands</Address> <Email> proycon@anaproy.nl </Email> <Department>Center for Language and Speech Technology</Department> <Organisation> Radboud University Nijmegen </Organisation> <Url> https://www.ru.nl/clst/ </Url> </Contact> </Creator> </SoftwareDevelopment> <TechnicalInfo> <ImplementationLanguage> <implementationLanguage>Python</implementationLanguage> <version>3</version> </ImplementationLanguage> </TechnicalInfo> </ClarinSoftwareDescription> </Components> </CMD>